Chideock WI has a number of interest groups that meet regularly.
Craft Group This group meets up during the afternoon at a member's house on the 3rd Tuesday of the month where we try out a new craft and some months it looks like a Blue Peter event but fun is had by all! More serious projects have included making heart-shaped comfort cushions, drainage bag covers and car seat-belt pads for mastectomy patients, trauma teddies and artwork for the village hall. Members can also bring their own projects along or join us for a Knit & Natter. Workshops are held on different topics such as stone carving, cake icing, silk painting, wreath making, and Waldorf-inspired wool fairies to name but a few. Projects can be found by clicking on the arrow opposite.
Book Group This group meets at lunchtime on the second Monday of the month at The George Inn in Chideock. Over a drink and a light bite we discuss the book we have read that month. This usually leads to some fascinating discussions (not always directly related to our book!). Everyone has the opportunity to recommend books which means that we read over a wide genre.
Lunch and Natter. Every month there is lunch-time visit to a local pub or restaurant. Any member can attend and it is a wonderful opportunity to eat somewhere new in good company, and have a good chat.
Walking Group We meet all year round, weather permitting and, usually on the 4th Tuesday of the month, for a variety of gentle local walks. Dogs are welcome and they enjoy the company as much as we do. We sometimes end with tea in a cafe or at a member's house.
Garden Group A relatively new but very successful group where members visit gardens under the National Garden Scheme, and plant fairs and as soon as we are able we hope to visit members' gardens to swap plants and seeds.